1934: Mill City Revolt
The Minneapolis Teamsters Strike
6 years ago

S1E9 - Negotiations and Preparations

Episode Notes

In the last episode, we discussed the aftermath of the February Whirlwind Strike and the run-up to the May strikes. In this episode, we discuss the negotiations and preparations each side took in the first weeks of May. We finish with a reading from Ray Dunne's article in Militant, the Communist League's newspaper, in which he assessed the situation just prior to May 15th. The next episode: The first few days of the strike, including the Tribune Alley Plot, setting the stage for the Battle of Deputies Run.

I recorded the first minute a few weeks after the rest, so there is a sudden voice change. I apologize for not being able to keep the audio consistent across episodes -- I need a studio!

Happy New Year! Let's Make 2019 A Year of Struggle!

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